The most effective social campaigns have a profound impact on their intended audience and create lasting social changes. It isn’t important if they’re designed to boost brand awareness or generate leads or increase sales. The key is to select platforms that are compatible with your objectives.

The process of defining specific goals and designing campaigns that align to those goals will help you maximize your time and resources, resulting in a higher return on investment (ROI) for your marketing efforts. You can use a framework such as SMART goals to create campaign objectives. They should be specific, Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time-sensitive.

To keep ahead of the trend, you can take a hint from popular social media trends and incorporate them into your campaign messaging. Be sure to focus on the relevant aspects for your target audience. Don’t jump on a trend which has already reached its peak.

To inspire your team and keep your social content up-to-date, you could consider running a series of campaigns that involve the public. Contests, user-generated content such as contests/giveaways, interviews and polls are great ways to drive participation from your audience. Explore new strategies such as branded hashtags and influencer or creator takesovers to give your brand a fresh voice. For example, eco-conscious candle company Scent & Fire took advantage of 2/2/2022 to market their new Manifest and Abundance candles, connecting their campaign with a distinct date that resonates with their intended audience.